Press Release 4

GENIE Project Empower Intrapreneurship with the Innovative Training Toolbox and Successful 3rd TPM in Brussels

On January 23rd, 2023, IHF asbl hosted the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the GENIE project in Brussels (Belgium). GENIE, short for Gamification & Education to Nurture Intrapreneurship at Enterprise, is an EU co-funded Erasmus+ that brings together seven organisations from six countries (Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden). This project is driven by the integration of gamification and intrapreneurship to develop advanced VET solutions supporting the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Its primary objective is to contribute to the growth, innovation, and competitiveness of these enterprises through the creation of innovative training tools, solutions, and content.

The 3rd TPM provided an invaluable opportunity to review the project’s progress, particularly the development of training modules and the boardgame, and to outline the upcoming steps for the project’s final implementation phase.

An important milestone achieved by the consortium is the introduction of an innovative training toolbox, which includes comprehensive training modules and a captivating boardgame designed to empower intrapreneurship within enterprises, with a particular focus on MSMEs.

Available in six languages (DE, EN, ES, HR, IT, SE), the toolbox can be accessed through the following links:

The training modules consist of courses and related case studies, addressing various aspects, including:

  • Digital intrapreneurship: prospects and challenges
  • ICT tools for intrapreneurship
  • Personal development and intrapreneurship: growing self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Intra-organisational communication and team management
  • Intrapreneurship hope, hype and reality: Discovering intrapreneurs within organisation
  • Striking the balance: Resource and time management within intrapreneurial MSMEs
  • Pitching to your boss: Idea presentation and support gathering
  • Innovation management in intrapreneurial organisations
  • Making things happen 1: A user guide list of triggers to nurture, evaluate and reward entrepreneurial attitudes and sense of initiative
  • Making things happen 2: Intrapreneurial attitude, conflict and change management within MSMEs
  • A user guide introduction to the AARRR! Funnel

Inspired by gamification principles, the GENIE partnership has developed an engaging game as a complementary component to the training modules, providing an interactive tool to test and reinforce acquired knowledge.

The GENIE game, showed below, aims to showcase the value of intrapreneurship in an entertaining manner, highlighting how it enhances innovation and competitiveness within companies and among their employees. Through active and responsible participation, employees can improve processes and collectively achieve defined goals.


To explore the GENIE project's training modules, case studies, and experience the elements of the GENIE game, along with its rules, please visit the official project website: