For business creation

Support. Set up. Empower.


Under the label “How to become self employed” there are bundled all activities and competencies relating to the questions of an individual and aim-orientated assistance and monitoring of regional start-up/formation of an enterprise in the Centrum for Innovation and Technology.

There are the following aims:

  • to support a founder friendly climateregionales
  • to improve the stability of new start-ups
  • to increase the number of established start-ups
  • to  advertise self-employment as an alternative form of income, beginning from school

The assistance and monitoring of regional start-ups/formation of an enterprise by different partners will be carried out thereby according to the slogan “I can do it – We do it – So you can do it!” based on the so-called “4-phases-modell”.

Projects which were guided until now by the Centrum for Innovation and Technology:

2000/2001: Gründungs-Offensive Spree-Neiße-Cottbus 2000 PLUS
2001/2003: Gründer-Lotse SPN-CB
2002/2004: Lotsen-Dienst SPN-CB
2002/2005: EQUAL-Development Partnership „GBB-Gründerbegleitnetzwerk Brandenburg", including start-up competitions/awards and fare participitions
since 2006: Gründercoaching Deutschland
2007/2013:      Regional Monitoring and Coaching Service/Regionaler Lotsendienst im Landkreis Spree-Neiße